To enable a targeted configuration at the end, we recommend creating a new role “clockit” in Sage, which is copied from the role Administrator and a separate API user “clockit” in Sage Administrator.
The following authorizations must be set for the new role:
The following authorizations must be set in the “Employees -> Employees” area:
The following authorizations must be set in the “Time management -> Absences” and “Time management -> Time events” areas:
Attention! To ensure that leave requests are not approved immediately in the clockit go app and instead run through the Sage approval processes, no authorization for approval must be set for absences.
With the latest version of Sage, new authorizations have been added which must be set:
And authorizations must also be set to approve applications:
The last step is to define the approved absence types via Time management -> Absences -> Configuration of absence reasons: