How do I prepare my Personio System for halion clock:it?

Adding an attribute for badges

For a later correct assignment of the badge to the employee, which is to be used at the terminal in the future, it is necessary to add a new attribute 'Badge' in Personio. This attribute is needed to store the badge number of the employee. The new attribute is created as follows:

‚Settings‘ → ‚Employees‘ → ‚Employee Information‘ → ‚Add an Attribute‘

When creating the new attribute, make sure that a mandatory uniqueness is specified, otherwise there is no possibility to determine the correct employee. This new attribute can be added in every section:

Creation of an API access token

The halion clock:it integration can be connected directly in Personio under 'Marketplace' → 'New integrations' → 'hali-on clock:it '.

A new API access data record can be generated using the 'Generate new access data' button:


To use the previously created API access, it must still receive appropriate permissions for access from clock:it.
The following permissions are required, which can be set directly when creating the API access:

The next step is to set the permissions on necessary attributes of the employee. For this purpose, under 'Readable employee attributes' the following attributes are selected:
- Status
- First name
- Last name
- The previously created attribute for the badge
- Email
- Vacation day balance