Can I get started with Personio straight away?

Theoretically yes, if you have your own Personio instance, you only need to take a few steps in clock:it.
After clock:it is activated for Personio, you must specify the attribute name for the field mapping (Feldmapping) in the settings.
Here, clock:it offers you the option of selecting from the existing attributes from Personio. The custom attribute “RFID Chip” or similar is then selected from onboarding.

If you have the correct field name, go to the administration in clock:it under Basic settings -> Settings. There you will find the entry Human Resources -> Personio -> Feldmapping in the tree structure.
You can change the value here using the Edit button. Enter the field name from Personio here. Confirm by saving.

Important: After you have set the setting, you must restart the AppService.